A wave of offense.

One of the true signs of the last days is that a wave of offense will hit the church like a huge Tsunami. Matthew 24:10, And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. And the only way to guard your spirit, and your relationships from this wave of destruction “Is to walk in a true spirit of love”.

Hard times fall on even the best of us just like John the Baptist when he was in prison. Satan tried to poison his mind through negative gossip concerning Jesus making him doubt the voice of God he heard. This is my own dear son (Matthew 11:2-6), the day Jesus was revealed to him. This can happen to any of us.
And when John had heard in prison about the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples and said to Him, “Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?”
Jesus answered and said to them, “Go and tell John the things which you hear and see: The blind see and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me.”

So judge the fruit and not the gossip. Offense works through the mind to taint the spirit through allegations! Love works through the spirit to dissolve offenses in the mind, through forgiveness! True friendship is truly your greatest possession! So guard it!